


### 一、博士英文推荐信写作指南

#### 1. 推荐信的结构


* **引言(Introduction)**:简短介绍推荐人与申请人的关系,以及推荐信的目的。

* **主体(Body)**:详细描述申请人的学术能力、研究经历、个人品质等,并提供具体例证。

* **结论(Conclusion)**:总结推荐人的评价,表达对申请人未来学术发展的信心,并鼓励招生委员会考虑该申请人。

#### 2. 写作要点

* **真实性**:确保推荐信内容真实可靠,避免夸大或虚构。

* **具体性**:使用具体事例来支撑你的评价,使推荐信更具说服力。

* **针对性**:针对所申请的博士项目和院校特点,突出申请人的相关优势。

* **正式性**:保持推荐信的正式语气和格式,避免使用口语化表达。

#### 3. 示例段落



I am writing to enthusiastically recommend Mr. Zhang Wei for admission to your esteemed Ph.D. program in Computer Science. As his supervisor during his Master\’s studies at Tsinghua University, I have had the pleasure of witnessing his exceptional academic abilities and research potential.




Mr. Zhang has consistently demonstrated a profound understanding of complex algorithms and a keen interest in artificial intelligence. His Master\’s thesis, which focused on deep learning applications in medical imaging, not only received the highest grade in his cohort but also resulted in a publication in a top-tier international journal.




In conclusion, I have no doubt that Mr. Zhang Wei possesses the intellectual curiosity, academic rigor, and personal dedication required to excel in your Ph.D. program. I strongly endorse his application and believe he will make a significant contribution to your research community.


### 二、个人简历范文

#### 1. 个人信息


Name: Li Hua

Gender: Female

Date of Birth: May 10, 1992

Nationality: Chinese

Contact Information:

– Email: lihua92@example.com

– Phone: +86-138-xxxx-xxxx


#### 2. 教育背景


2018 – Present: Ph.D. Candidate in Biochemistry, Peking University

– Dissertation Topic: \”Investigating the Mechanisms of Protein Folding\”

– Advisor: Prof. Wang Lei

2014 – 2018: B.S. in Biology, Fudan University

– Graduated with Honors (GPA: 3.8/4.0)


#### 3. 研究经历


2020 – 2022: Research Assistant, Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences

– Conducted experiments on protein structure analysis using NMR spectroscopy.

– Co-authored a research paper published in \”Journal of Molecular Biology\”.

2017 – 2018: Undergraduate Researcher, Laboratory of Genetics, Fudan University

– Participated in a project studying the genetic basis of plant stress responses.


#### 4. 学术成果



– Li H., Wang L., et al. (2021). \”Characterization of a Novel Protein Folding Pathway.\” Journal of Molecular Biology, 499(3), 1067-1080.

– Zhang Y., Li H., et al. (2018). \”Genetic Analysis of Drought Tolerance in Arabidopsis thaliana.\” Plant Physiology, 176(2), 1234-1245.


– Presented research findings at the International Conference on Biochemistry, Beijing, 2021.

– Poster presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Chinese Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Shanghai, 2019.


#### 5. 奖项与荣誉


2020: Outstanding Graduate Student Award, Peking University

2018: National Scholarship for Graduate Students

2017: First Prize in the National College Biology Competition


#### 6. 技能与证书



– Proficient in protein purification, NMR spectroscopy, and molecular cloning techniques.

– Fluent in English and Mandarin Chinese.


– Certified Laboratory Technician (CLT)

– TOEFL: 110 (Reading: 30, Listening: 29, Speaking: 27, Writing: 24)


#### 7. 个人陈述


I am a dedicated and passionate biochemist with a strong foundation in both theoretical knowledge and practical research skills. My Ph.D. studies have equipped me with the ability to independently design and execute complex experiments, as well as collaborate effectively in multidisciplinary teams. I am eager to further explore the intricacies of protein biochemistry and contribute to cutting-edge research in this field.


### 结语





